1. CyberHEAD Resources
- Video with Key Statistics and Insights on EU HEIs:
Gain an overview of CyberHEAD’s ability to measure trends and provide insights into the status of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the EU. Watch here: CyberHEAD Key Statistics and Insights. - Video for Students:
An introduction to CyberHEAD, tailored for students, explaining the platform’s features and benefits. Available here: CyberHEAD for Students. - CyberHEAD Badge for Promotional Activities:
Academic institutions can use the CyberHEAD badge to showcase their presence in the database, promoting their offerings to students. Detailed information is available in the FAQ section: CyberHEAD Badge FAQ.
2. New EU Initiative: Industry-Academia Network
The European Commission has launched a call for expressions of interest to join the new Industry-Academia Network under the European Cyber Skills Academy. This initiative aims to bridge the cybersecurity skills gap through collaboration between academia and industry. You can find more details here: Industry-Academia Network Call.