Családias hangulat, élénk viták, interkulturális élmények
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"The summer school was absolutely wonderful. We had a great time at the National University and got acquainted with the historical heritage of Austria. The professors are very interesting and professional specialists. Thank you very much for the amazing experience. Köszönöm!”
“Great atmosphere within the group. Very personal approach from the side of the teaching. Great varied program. Unfortunately too few legal remedies. But our interests and contributions were taken into account and integrated. Thanks for the great exchange and the opportunity to get to know Hungary and its history.”
“Firstly, I am deeply impressed by the hosts and their amazing treatment. I have already participated in different exchange-programs and have never experienced such a good organization with such an interesting program.
Secondly, I really appreciated the course and how it was structured. It was interesting to hear about the Hungarian state’s system and to get to know about its history. This enabled us to compare it to our (German) system and also to that of the U.S. Furthermore, the intellectual level of our discussions was elevated and everyone had time to present and defend his or her point of view/opinion. So there was a high intercultural exchange in our course.
Thirdly, the equipment (room, etc.) was perfect for the course and being able to sleep in the same building where the course takes place was a great advantage and enabled us to have more time for discussions, because we did not spend any time with travelling from one place to another.
Finally, I am very thankful for the opportunity to visit institutions (like the Parliament) that we talked about during the course. Even the spontaneous visit to the House of Terror was an intellectual enrichment. A big thank you to the two amazing lecturers who impressed us with their historical, political and legal knowledge and listened to our (sometimes really weird) discussions without judging us.”
“This one very short week in the summer school in Budapest gives me (personally) impressions, knowledge and experience, that I would gain after 6 months. The program was very diverse. Not only learning and comparing legal history, but also thinking and setting up about philosophical questions, on how to establish a state. This task inspired me really to learn more about our legal history, as well as to think about our modern mindsets. (What is a modern state? / Where does it come from?) On top of this amazing schooling, we all were hosted in a way, that we will never forget our stay here. I appreciate the kindness and atmosphere (like a family) in the group. Learning about Budapest, about our international participants gave me the feeling to be here longer than one “short” week. We learned for lifetime, not for a period.
P.S.: Thank you! Just no words to express how grateful I am for this great opportunity.”
“I really enjoyed the whole week, the programs were exciting and colorful, even though I am from Budapest, I could discover new things about the city. The group and the teachers were open-minded and collaborating. The organizers treated us very well. The topics and lectures were interesting, I have taken under consideration a lot of things according to the subjects. It was amazing to see people’s opinion from other countries about governmental issues, which can be really sensitive questions as well, because we had a colorful group regarding nationalities. I wish you all the best, and to continue what you have just started here.”

“I found the summer school very good and I think it is an important project and that it has to be continued. One thing I would change the next time, is that you should give the exercise a few days earlier so one can work more sufficiently on it. But in general it was well organized and also the small trips in between were very interesting.”